Dear Italian nationals, Dear friends of Italy,
Welcome to the website of the Consulate General of Italy in Miami.
The purpose of this portal is to serve as an easy to review instrument, that allows you to request consular services and, at the same time, a way to get closer to our beautiful Country.
With this reference, it is important for me to ensure our best effort towards a greater improvement of our services.
In the past few years our consular district, that includes the south-eastern area of the United States, plus the majority of the Caribbean islands neighboring the Florida peninsula, witnessed a 30 % increase of Italian presence, recording 40 thousand Italian nationals registered with AIRE. Therefore, it is only through your collaboration and respect for the rules that we will be able to meet your expectations.
Furthermore, I am going to give great relevance to the team work with all the key players of Sistema Italia, in order to deepen the bilateral relations between entrepreneurial, scientific, school and academic associations connected to this Consulate General.
I am sure I can count on your support and collaboration.
Enjoy your visit!