Below, you can find the table with the consular fees (the prices for the main services offered by the Consulate General of Italy in Miami), which applies to this quarter, and the Eur/$ exchange rate.
This table changes every quarter.
Consular services can be paid only by money orders (addressed to the Consolato Generale d’Italia in Miami); cash, credit/debit cards or checks are not accepted.
Please note that Money orders shall be filled in each field, specially beneficiary (Consolato Generale d’Italia in Miami), name of the person requesting consular services and signature (if requested).
Money orders purchased 30 days before the submission date will not be accepted.
Please note that this Consulate will not accept money orders and/or cashier checks from BANK OF AMERICA
Users must be aware that any document released within 24 hours from request requires an additional fee on the basis of what established by art. 74 of the Table of Consular Rights.